
The team with the get-it-done attitude

EN Shipping experts possess 25+ years of maritime expertise from both the private and public sector. We have a thorough understanding of maritime regulations, procedures and practices along with the digitalization. Therefore we are able to take a cross-sectoral look at the things, set the strategy and goals and to work out the details as well.

We focus on maritime projects management but can provide the consultancy and analytics as well. Depending on the project scope we engage international partners to deliver the best results exceeding the customers’ expectations.

EN Shipping is a member of Estonian Maritime Cluster

Some of our recent projects:

Development of Specifications for the Design and Implementation of a Port Community System in the Maritime Port of Constanța  

Description: preparation of a Feasibility Study for the development of a Port Community System (PCS) in Port of Constanta with (Constanta zone, Midia zone, Mangalia Zone, Basarabi Zone, Tomis Marina) to contribute to the full integration and digitalization of the maritime transport chain, including the hinterland.

Result: port process analysis, data management analysis, governance model, business model, and risk analysis. As a result, the port has received a clear specification and recommendation for the implementation of the PCS. This system will enhance efficiency, coordination, and communication across the port, solidifying the Port of Constanta’s position as a key hub in the Black Sea.

See the Press Release

Client: Maritime Ports Administration SA. Constanta

Development of the Innovative Ice-breaking Bow

Description: designing an innovative removable icebreaking bow, which can be attached to smaller tugboats, requiring less push force and therefore uses significantly less fuel consumption compared to traditional icebreaking vessels

Result: bow was designed, built and successfully tested in harsh sea ice conditions, project phase finalised. Please see further info in Bifrost Tug Estonia Linkedin stream.

Clients: Tschudi Ship Management and Bifrost Tug Estonia

Revision of Estonian maritime law

Description: analysis and amendments of the Estonian Merchant Shipping Act

Result: draft law and explanatory letter delivered to the Client

Client: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications of Estonia

Preliminary Assessment of M/S Estonia

Description: the survey of the wreck of M/S Estonia, its surrounding seabed and sub-bottom

Result: several sea surveys carried out, incl. ADCP, glider, photogrammetry, laser survey, MESOTECH, 4K videos, sub-bottom profiling

Client: Republic of Estonia Safety Investigation Bureau

Georgia: Feasibility Study for the Development of a
Port Community System (PCS)

Georgia: Feasibility Study for the Development of a
Port Community System (PCS)

Description: preparation of a Feasibility Study for the development of a Port Community System (PCS) in Georgia’s Sea Ports to contribute to the full integration and digitalization of the maritime transport chain.

Result: 264 pages report covering all Georgian sea ports describing the “as-is” situation and proposing the “to-be” situation encompassing strategy, legal space, human factors and ICT. A comprehensive road map to building the PCS was given.

Client: Maritime Transport Agency of Georgia and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

See the Press Release

Analysis and description of “as-is” in Estonian small harbors

Description: analysis of the existing situation of Rohuküla and Roomassaare ports

Result: analysis and description of “as-is” delivered to the Client

Client: Saarte Liinid AS

Project partners: